Case #2 Father Coelho denies Anointing of the Sick to a stroke victim Lifelong Catholic Ronald Plishka wasn’t sure that he that he would survive when an ambulance brought him to the emergency room of Washington, D.C.’s Washington Hospital Center to treat his heart attack, so he requested a priest to give him Communion and …
Category: Uncategorised
Father Kneib denies Communion
Case #1 Father Kneib denies Communion to the mother of the deceased Carol Parker and Josie Martin have been same-sex partners for twenty years. They had served as lector, cantor, and choir singer for twelve years at Columban Catholic Church in Chillicothe, Missouri. Then Carol’s mother died. Their recently ordained parish priest, Father Benjamin Kneib …
If you vigorously disagree with me
If you vigorously disagree with me If you vigorously disagree with anything written in this website, do not be surprised at this. Take comfort that there are millions of others who are locked into a “total war against the homosexual minority” [302,000 Google hits]. But a sustained war can be debilitating, and there is a …
Gloria loses her son and then finds him again
What’s wrong with this picture? Woe to those Catholic households where, despite the best-laid plans for coordinated indoctrination, a child confesses having “homosexual inclinations.” A mother known to me, let us call her Gloria, had a son of seventeen who confessed to such inclinations. Upon hearing this, Gloria passed through many stages of grief. First, …
Molly Shumate
Molly Shumate Standing Tall among the Children of God within the first-grade teachers in Ohio joined with other teachers and parents who suffered unjustly due to the toxic tyranny of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Rome. The historical narrative of those Standing Tall has been witnessed and recorded by Aaron Milavec in his new book, WHAT …
The Red String Chronicles–finding true love online
“The Red String Chronicles” by Aaron Milavec amp; Elena Maringelli Synopsis: Aaron Milavec lives in Cincinnati and is already in his 70s when he decides to quit his single life and pursue his final true love using a new dating platform. Within a few days, he unexpectedly gets a message from Elena, an Italian woman, …
Pope Francis’ Resistance to the Catholic Taliban
Fundamentalists thrive in times of rapid social change. Fundamentalists generally champion emotionally charged issues that can be reduced to unambiguous black and white terms. Fundamentalists succeed in making a show of strength by humiliating and marginalizing “deviants” who are unable to protect themselves. Thus the Taliban sends out men and women each morning who are …
Open Letter
Open letter to Pope Francis Dear highly esteemed Pope Francis, Your pastoral initiatives and their theological justification are currently under vehement attack by a group in the church. With this open letter, we wish to express our gratitude for your courageous and theologically sound papal leadership. In a short time, you have succeeded in reshaping …
My Church “punishes” my second marriage
Here is a good article written by Lizzy Davies Elio Cirimbelli, a 66-year-old family counselor from Bolzano in north-eastern Italy, goes to church most Sundays. He is a devout Roman Catholic but when he attends mass he cannot receive holy communion and must stay in the pew while the rest of the congregation goes up …
Q10 Is the approach of Francis new or old?
Q10 Is the approach of Francis new or old? Pope Francis makes clear that imposing moral absolutism does not represent the approach of Jesus found in the Gospels: We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. I have not spoken much about …